Discover Yoga
A journey of discovery through Mind, Body and Breath
Discover Yoga’ workshop will be a journey of discovery through Mind, Body and Breath.
It is suitable for beginners and current yoga students to gain a better understanding of their yoga practice and discover the holistic benefits of a regular yoga practice.
The aim of this workshop is to introduce your mind, body and breath to the wide variety of benefits that yoga can offer you.
What will be covered in this Workshop:
This workshop will include elements on Breath/Pranayama, Body/Asana and Mind/Relaxation.
Introduction to the 8 Limbs of Yoga
Breath - the Bridge that links the Mind and Body
Mobility Vs Flexibility
Warm Ups
Asana Comes to Life
Basic Poses and Flows - Spinal Flexibility
Sun Salutations - Waking up the Body
Yoga for Back and Hips
Winding Down - Twists and Gentle Reclined poses
Warriors - Strengthen, Tone and Energise
Find your Balance - Stability, Strength and Focus
Session Details
Duration: 1 x 3hr session plus 1 'Complimentary' Class of your choice within our current timetable
Suitable for: Beginners or current yoga students to re-discover and gain a better understanding of their yoga practice
Our Goal: To introduce your mind, body and breath to the beauty and benefits of yoga.
Investment: $80.00
To help attendees experience personal growth and a deeper understanding of yoga, numbers are limited to 5.
Next Workshop : Saturday 19 October 2024